Enterprise is the subject of trade and economic cooperation. China and Africa should positively take measures to promote the signing and implementation of investment protection agreement and agreement on avoidance of Double Taxation so as to create a more fair, transparent and predicable environment for business. 企业是经贸合作的主体,中非双方应积极采取措施,推动商签和落实投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定,为企业创造更加公平、透明、可预见的商业环境。
Canada-south Africa double taxation agreement; 加拿大-南非双重征税协定;
Corporate earnings are subject to double taxation. 公司盈利需双重纳税。
These parameters are already spelt out in a new double taxation agreement with the US. 这些参数已在瑞士与美国政府达成的双重税务新协定中予以充分说明。
Notwithstanding this, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government HKSARG recognises that there are merits in concluding double taxation agreements DTAs with our trading partners. 尽管如此,香港特别行政区政府认为,与香港的贸易伙伴签订避免双重徵税协定有其可取之处。
Convention on the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Copyright Royalties 避免对著作权使用费双重征税的多边公约
According to Mr Ma, such dialogue would focus on the protection of Taiwanese investment in China, double taxation and access to the Chinese banking market, and eventually result in a comprehensive economic co-operation agreement. 据马英九表示,对话将聚焦于保护台商在大陆的投资,避免双重征税,以及大陆银行市场的准入,最终产生一项《全面经济合作协定》。
There are a couple of issues that are limiting the development of VC industry in China, such as: double taxation, a non-convertible currency and inevitably, exit. 有很多因素在制约中国风投行业的发展,这其中就包括双重税收,人民币不可以自由流通,还有退出机制。
Under the agreement, Belgium will eliminate double taxation by providing full exemption to Belgian residents companies and individuals alike for such income. 在该协定下,比利时居民公司及个人的有关收入将获得全数豁免以避免双重徵税。
The international tax treaty conflicts may arouse double taxation and hinder free development of international economy. 此类争议不但可能会引起国际双重征税,而且还会阻碍国际经济的自由发展。
To avoid the double taxation of dividends, Mr Obama could also abolish corporate tax, which is cumbersome and ineffective. 为避免对股息重复征税,奥巴马还可以取消企业所得税,这一税种既麻烦又效率低下。
The double taxation of corporate profits has rendered debt tax-efficient; deposit guarantees have subsidised borrowing from retail customers; central bank liquidity has made short-term wholesale borrowing artificially cheap. 对企业利润的双重征税使债务具有节税性;存款担保对来自零售客户的借款提供补贴;央行流动性人为压低了短期批发借款成本。
Double taxation poses the first problem. 第一个问题是双重征税。
This vat transformation mainly focuses on deduction before taxation on machinery equipment of the secondary industry; in operation, however, the reform is not complete, existing double taxation. 本次增值税转型主要针对第二产业的机器设备实施税前抵扣,从实际运行看,改革并不彻底,存在重复征税问题。
How to effectively avoid international double taxation, is the challenge that Chinas foreign tax system have to face. 如何有效的避免国际双重征税,是中国涉外税制必须面对的挑战。
That is the avoidance of double taxation. 普:这就是说避免国际间双重纳税。
Different countries take different approaches to transfer pricing, and double taxation can arise. 不同的国家采用不同的方法转移商品价格,重重征税由此产生。
In both cases, the lower tax rates will apply only to companies and shareholders based in countries, such as the UK, that have double taxation agreements with China. 在两种情形下,较低的税率将仅适用于那些与中国签署了避免双重征税协定的国家(英国是其中之一)的企业和股东。
The downside is double taxation: taxes are payable on the corporation's profit and the stockholders 'dividends. 坏处则是双重纳税:公司的利润,股东们的股息都要缴税。
Advance Pricing Arrangements ( APA) helps resolve the problems of transfer pricing abuse and double taxation or double non-taxation, thus the tax department can improve their working efficiency. 实行预约定价制度可以较好地解决转让定价滥用和国际双重征税或不征税问题,提高税务部门工作效率。
In addition, we have concluded double taxation relief arrangements in shipping and airline income with other countries. 此外,本港和其他国家在航运及航空收入方面也有签订避免双重徵税安排的条文。
The agreement between the government of the People's Republic of China and the government of the Seller's country for the reciprocal avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income 与卖方国家政府关于避免双重征税和防止偷逃所得税的协定
Research on Economic Double Taxation of One-person Company 一人公司面临的经济性双重征税问题研究
For individuals, a consumption-based tax would relieve double taxation on savings. 对个人来说,基于消费的税收将减轻对储蓄的双倍征税。
Mr Ma has promised to start by negotiating a comprehensive economic co-operation agreement with the mainland that would include an investment protection agreement and a double taxation agreement, and lead to greater access to Chinese markets for Taiwanese service companies. 马英九承诺开始将与大陆商谈一项全面经济合作协议,其中包括一项投资保护协议和一项双重课税协议,并且放宽台湾服务业公司进入中国大陆市场的限制。
Multilateral Convention for the avoidance of double taxation of copyright royalties; 避免版权收入重复征税多边公约;
Double taxation: a term widely used to describe double taxation of corporate earnings, once through corporate income tax and again through taxation of corporate dividends paid out of after-tax earnings. 双重征税:这一名词被广泛用来描述对公司收益的双重征税:一次是通过对公司所得征税;再一次是通过对公司税后收益中支付的公司红利征税。
Unilateral relief from double taxation 单方面实施双重课税的宽免
We should speed up investment facilitation, eliminate investment barriers, and push forward negotiations on bilateral investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors. 加快投资便利化进程,消除投资壁垒。加强双边投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定磋商,保护投资者的合法权益。